How to customize the icons of a Stepper in Material-UI React
How to customize the icons of a Stepper in Material-UI React:
We can customize the icon of each step in a Stepper of Material-UI. Each step icons can be customized using a simple trick.
In this post, I will show to how to customize the Stepper icons with an example program.
StepIconComponent props is used to pass an icon to a StepLabel. We can create a component to show a custom icon and pass it to this props.
import {Stepper,Step,StepLabel,makeStyles,} from "@material-ui/core";import NoteAddIcon from '@material-ui/icons/NoteAdd';import AddAPhotoIcon from '@material-ui/icons/AddAPhoto';import AddAlertIcon from '@material-ui/icons/AddAlert';import clsx from 'clsx';function App() {const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({root: {backgroundColor: '#eaeaf0',padding: 8,borderRadius: '50%'},active: {color: 'red',},completed: {color: 'green',},}));const CustomStepIcon = (props) => {const classes = useStyles();const { active, completed } = props;const stepIcons = {1: <NoteAddIcon />,2: <AddAPhotoIcon />,3: <AddAlertIcon />,};return (<divclassName={clsx(classes.root, {[]: active,[classes.completed]: completed,})}>{stepIcons[String(props.icon)]}</div>);};return (<div style={{ margin: 2 }}><Stepper activeStep={1}><Step><StepLabel StepIconComponent={CustomStepIcon}>Register your name</StepLabel></Step><Step><StepLabel StepIconComponent={CustomStepIcon}>Register your email</StepLabel></Step><Step><StepLabel StepIconComponent={CustomStepIcon}>Click on Finish</StepLabel></Step></Stepper></div>);}export default App;
- CustomStepIcon is used to show a custom icon.
- stepIcons are the list of icons to show in the stepper.
- By using clsx, we are defining different themes for the icons.
If you run the above code, it will give the below output: